• 21 Feb 2025:  
  • USD 1$ - 499.76 ₸
  • EUR 1€ - 521.7 ₸
  • RUB 1₽ - 5.63 ₸
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OilTools Services

Directional drilling services company


OilTools Services is committed to nurture its staff to care and protect our environment. We incorporate sustainability in our strategic decisions and conduct our business in a manner that balances the environmental and economic needs of the communities in which we operate.

In all aspects of our business, we strive to minimise our impact on the environment by:

Complying with all relevant environmental legislation and regulations to meet or exceed good environmental practices, while striving to meet ISO 14001 environmental management system standards.

Creating awareness about the environment and providing training/circulars to employees and subcontractors about preventive environmental impact measures and alternative solutions that are sustainable.

Creating a cleaner and greener environment by reducing pollution and waste, and encouraging a “Reduce, Re-use, Recycle” culture in the workplace.

Maintaining energy efficient offices and workplaces, with sustainable practices put in place.

Monitoring, evaluating and continually improving our environmental management practices to ensure efficient use of resources.

This policy will be made known to all staff, continuously monitored and reviewed on a regular basis. We motivate and enthuse our people to actively involve themselves in the policy, to always seek to improve their actions and influence the people we work with to do the same.



OilTools Services has been awarded of best practices to reduce environment impact by ALASH.

This means that the OTS has successfully met with the specified criteria of ALASH and has been assessed to receive the Certificate.




Environmental Management Policy, Objectives and Targets

We recognise that our business has an important role to play in protecting and enhancing the environment for future generations and to help secure the long-term sustainability of the Oil&Gas industry. OTS is committed to taking the following actions;

To achieve sound environmental practices across our entire operation

To comply fully with all relevant legislation

To produce an annual Environmental Plan setting out our objectives, targets and planned actions

To minimise our waste and reduce our water and energy consumption where possible

To reduce, reuse and recycle the resources consumed by our business wherever practical

To help increase awareness with regards to protecting the environment and to support our staff, customers and suppliers in doing so

To provide all employees with the training and resources required to meet these green objectives

To communicate our policies and practices to interested parties

To monitor and record our environmental impacts on a regular basis and compare our performance against our policies, objectives and targets




To reduce our energy consumption by 15% in 2020 over 2019 and reduce Carbon Emissions by 2 tonnes.



To reduce consumption of mains Water by 17 % in 2020 over 2019



To reduce the waste we send to landfill by 35%



To engage with our suppliers to reduce packaging by 25%

To continue sourcing the highest quality of local and national raw materials, supporting small businesses as much as possible



To communicate periodically our performance and achievements through the Website.

To supply information to our guests on how to reduce their carbon footprint while in the base.


Please feel free to send in your ideas of how we can make OTS a 'greener' company


